====== Web Services Methods ====== %%The web service is implemented to perform the communication between the taxpayers' systems and the E-billing system of EBI.%% %%For the use of this service it is necessary to use the access tokens created by EBI as well as the web service URL.%% %%The web service consists of the following methods:%% - [[Enviar()_English]] - [[EstadoDocumento()_English]] - [[Anulacion()_English]] - [[DescargaXML()_English]] - [[FoliosRestantes()_English]] - [[EnvioCorreo()_English]] - [[DescargaPDF()_English]] - [[RastreoCorreo()_English]] - [[ConsultaRucDV()_English]] %%The parameters to be included in the methods must comply with the corresponding format and directives, taking into account the following standard:%% ^ **%%Format%%** ^ **%%Description%%** ^ ^ %%A%% | %%Alphabetic field%% | ^ %%N%% | %%Numeric field%% | ^ %%AN%% | %%Alphanumeric field%% | ^ %%A3%% | %%3 alphabetical field (fixed length)%% | ^ %%N3%% | %%3 number field (fixed length)%% | ^ %%AN3%% | %%3 alphanumeric value field (fixed length)%% | ^ %%A...3%% | %%Up to 3 alphabetic characters (variable length)%% | ^ %%N...3%% | %%Up to 3 numeric characters (variable length)%% | ^ %%AN...3%% | %%Up to 3 alphanumeric characters (variable length)%% | ^ %%N..8/5.2%% | %%Up to 8 alphanumeric characters, consisting of (up to) 5 integers and two decimals separated by a period%% | ^ **%%Required%%** ^ **%%Description%%** ^ ^ %%YES%% | %%Required%% | ^ %%NO%% | %%Not required%% | ^ %%C/C%% | %%Condition based field%% | \\ \\